Thursday, September 2, 2010

Mommys Sad Day

Kindergarten, is all Thea has talked about for over a year. She just couldn't wait to go to school and be a big kid. You think that after a year of hearing her talk about her going to school and talking to her about it I would be more ready for her to go but I just barley made it though dropping her off and watching her go in with out crying. I feel a little crazy not jumping up and down saying one down two to go, but she is just such a sunshine in our house and I miss her and her big helperness when she's gone, the house is just so quite with her at school and Logan down for a nap. She just love going and doesn't even look back when she gets out of the car just gos to her line and talks to other kids. Now that it's been a few day of her going to school I'm enjoying my time with Donovan and a little with Logan when he's not sleeping. But Donovan starts preschool soon and I will be right back here sad that he's gone for a whole two hours. Silly me! I know that I will enjoy the time by myself and with one or both of the boys if I give it a few more days. Well because our computer is still out I can't post the pic of the first day of school but I will as soon as I can.

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