Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sunny Spring Days

What a messy face cutie.

Playing in Grandma and PomPa's bake yard I'm so glad
that they don't mind the kids playing in the yard
and digging in the mud and dirt. It been great to get out in
the sun and just let the kids run wild.
Thank You Mom and Dad We love you so much !

The kids love to play on Thomas Go-kart

What a smile little man!

Funny Faces

Thea looking so grown up

Thea was "planting seeds" for PomPa I hope he like the raisin plants
Because she planted a lot in the mud.

What a boy as soon as he found the mud Thea made he was
all over that. Eating it butting it on his belly and just playing in it ya he's all boy.

Eating mud covered raisins
he would dip the raisins in the mud and eat them like chips and dip

mud + kids= fun
Logan loves to play with boxes like any baby but he moves his all over and loves to climb on top of them he just keeps trying 'till he can do it

Donovan Loves to try and ride Thea's bike he can't pedal yet but he's trying and loves to have some on push him.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

YAY Jared!

Jared did Eagle project over a year ago but then took some time to get every thing turned in, but he just had his board of review last night and .......... HE Passed and got his Eagle! I so happy for you Jared. I know this whole thing was not super easy but I'm so proud of you for working so hard and doing it all! I hope you know just how proud of you I am and how much I love you! Congrats Jared!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Thea and Donovan set a Leprechaun trap last night. But this morning no tiny man in the trap! So sad. But he left a not on how to find a leprechaun treat! What could it be where can we find it Is it fun or yummy? Well we found the treat in the oven tiny green Leprechaun cakes a huge pot of them with yellow gold frosting and 4 leaf clovers for the tricky kids that set a trap to keep him! The kids are loving the treats and loving Leprechauns and St. Patty's Day! I hope you all are too!

Friday, March 12, 2010

82%, 80% and 92%!!!!!!

Corey took his Residential Plumber test last Thu. Today we got the letter saying if he passed or not! And He PASSED!!!! I can't even say how proud of him I am for working so hard and studying so much. It was well worth it! Baby I'm so happy for you and so very Proud of you and all the hard work you put in. I love You!!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

They Like Us!!!

Last fall we got a bird feeder on sale, and Thea remembered it a few days ago so we filled it up and hung it on the porch. I didn't think we would get any birds because out apartments have like a thousand cats and they think that our porch is there's like ever thing else. But then Thea said look mama there eating! I didn't know what she was talking about ) With a big put a pone sigh she said Look mama look there eating the seeds we left for them they like us!!! After just a few days we have birds coming to our feeder almost all day. The kids love it and they just sit by the slider and watch the feeder. I'm glad we put it out and I didn't go with my first thought of no we're not doing that to day.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day to Day Life

So no big things going on so no pix just an update on whats going on with us. First my Mimi and Papa are moving to Canada in the next few weeks. And not just to Canada but to nowhere in Canada for a new job of Papa's. They are both looking forward to the change but worried at the same time. Corey is taking his test on Thu. he's been doing so great studying I know (hope, pray) he'll pass this time. The place Corey works for lost the next set of house so there letting go of Corey in about a week to week and a half. I hope that it wont take long for a new job to come, but while he's out of work we're trying to enjoy the time he has home and have a at home vacation. Thea only talks about being 5 now and going to school on the school bus. I hope it lives up to all her hopes in the fall. Donovan is him self ...a boy to the bone guns cars using any toy for a gun. and Both kids love to love on Logan, play with him or help him if he crying. Logan is a monster hes walking some times but if he really want to get some where he crawls, it's faster you know. Besides Corey's up coming Vacation I'm doing really well keeping on top of the no fun house stuff and doing so much more with the jumping beans. I am enjoying my family and every day so much more now. Being back to my self is great!