Monday, July 25, 2011

Camping Part 1

Why is blogging so hard during the summer? It must be all the thing going on that I forget to get on and show off what we've been up to....

I've been wanting to go camping all summer but between the fall weather, babysitting weekends and the being in the nursery at church every other weekend it's been really hard to find the time. So this weekend Corey and I planed on taking our kids and Ella's kids. Kelly and her kids decided to come too. It was such a nice weekend!! The weather was amazing. SUN SUN SUN! I love camping at the church property, it so nice so many things to do and cheep right in my price range. We're going back in a few weeks.

One of the things I love is there is a huge meadow with play sets and tree house(that my kids didn't really play in) and then this big rope swing. The kids love this swing the sign says no one under 10 but all out little kids loved it and almost never waited for an adult. Ian and Logan where the only ones who didn't like it. You can see that the platform for jumping off is pretty high. But none of the little kids even thought twice about it they just climbed up and jumped off!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Say Cheese!

I don't know what it wrong with this computer but it put half the photos side ways, Dose any one know how to fix it? Any way the other day we did a little photo shoot so I could get some more resent pictures up. Here's what we got....Donovan was really hard to get to stand still but I did get a few cute ones of him. Thea and Logan loved it they where happy to sit there and smile all day.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


I've been so busy lately with family and friends the with sick kids but...We had so much fun at the beach for the 4th of July with all our family. The kids had so much fun swimming in the pool and walking around town and the docks looking at boats. Some how I lost my camera when we where unpacking so as soon as I find it and see what else we did I'll post more about our fun 4th.