Saturday, October 3, 2015

It's great to be 8!

Happy Birthday to my Donovan man!!! He is 8 and so excited. I asked him on the morning of his birthday if he felt different now that he was 8? To my surprise he said yes! Yes I am 8 I want to show God I love him more and be better brother because I am getting baptized ! He warms my heart with his love and understanding and testimony ❤️ this boy keeps me on my toes , laughing and many hugs and I love you all day long! He loves all things guns and zombies and is just a little old man at heart! Happy Birthday Donovan we LOVE you!!!

Time flys

Look how much she has grown up! Her first day of school when we moved to Pasco and today. I can't be leave how grown up she is 😒😍 but I just adore her and the funky funny girl she is!

Monday, September 7, 2015

School days

Not all school days go this well every one sitting and working happily on math or reading but today was a good school day! I hope we have more good days then hard ones. So far I am loving homeschooling and the kids are loving it most days too! 

Saturday, May 30, 2015


This morning I slept in and Corey had to work. But when I got up Thea had cleaned and decorated( in her own style such as a blanket as a rug) the living room and she and Logan where folding the laundry. Thea is getting so big and responsible. I love and hate her growing up. I am going to live have her and the boys home all day this summer and next year for home schooling. I just LOVE watching them grow and change. Thanks for the sweet service my amazing Theabean!!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Afternoon pictures

Little after fun with my two littles. ❤️❤️❤️ love them

Book worm

I never thought I would see this!! Reading has been so hard for Thea for so long but now she is at gread level and loves to read. We got two new chapter books Friday at the book fair and by Monday she was done with one and half way through the second! Found her all over the house with her nose in a book. Dream come true!!!!!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Puppy friends are the best friends

A little kids best friend is her puppy . She snuggles with him and gives him half her food and he loves and gets to be her pillow. He is such a good dog and loves his girl very much when she is riding bikes and he can't get out the fence to he is crazy until she bake safe in the yard with him and he follows her around all day just running with her or sleeping near by while she play. Makes me love him all the more that keeps my baby safe. Baylor and Anna best friends!!!!❤️

Saturday, May 9, 2015

My happy place

This is my favorite spot at our house. I love our front yard! I can't wait to see all our plants getting bigger and growing food. The fence was needed to keep dogs and cute little 3year old in off the street, but it makes me so happy 😍 my own house with a little picket fence ... My little girl dreams right there. Just a few more projects and it will be all done but I'm happy So Happy with it right now!

Sleeping kids

My kids fall asleep in the weirdest place!( don't mind the half painted wall .... Never ending list of things )

Kids on the radio

We needed a new commercial for our plumbing business and our add guy thought the kids should be part of it. And they loved it🎀 so here they are getting ready to record their spot for the radio 

Monday, April 27, 2015

Little girls are so fun!

Teeny tiny little finger nails painted bright pink make me smile and make her so happy!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Good but birthday party's!

This year for the kids birthdays we are skipping the party's and each kids goes on a special date to do some experience that they love with just mom or dad. ( well except for Anna she had a family party while we where in Olympia with all our families perfect for a 3 year old) Thea and I went and painted pottery and Logan just had his date with Corey and went fishing he loved it!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Happy Birthday Logan!!!!!!

Today my little Logan is 6! What !? Crazy how did he get to be 6?! Logan is my little man he love all thing construction and dirt (yet don't like to get dirty) is a hipster with out even trying and loves like know I know!!!!! He is sunggly and sweet love to read and is so good in school. He just soaks everything up. Happy birthday to the best 6 year old I know!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Post holes

Anna wanted to help dig holes for the fence post I was digging..... This is her way of helping. What a funny cute girl! πŸ’—πŸ’—

Sunday, April 12, 2015


Our business! It's hard work for both of us but also rewarding and doing very well for less then year old.

Logan's love

Logan loves all things farm and construction so finding Pompas riding lawnmower was heaven for him.

I love to see the temple!

Anna asked Thea to draw her a temple. I LOVE that these are the things on her little mind! Thea's was of seeing the temple is beautiful πŸ’•πŸ’• my girls!

Grow food not grass

Our frount yard garden. We have two more boxes now, half the size of these big boxes, one for strawberries and one for blackberrys. Soon our garden sprouts will be headed out side to the nice warm sunshine. Well they will go out as soon as I have the fence and drip system done hopefully in the next week or so. I am so excited for the garden I just hope I can grow something!

Thursday, April 9, 2015


Today this little one is 3. My how the time flys by! Anna is one sassy little thing and thinks she runs the world but she is my sunshine and my snuggle buddy. She is smart beond belief and our family would be incompleat with out her happy Birthday pixie girl!!!!!!!!

Trying to have a green thumb

We are growing a garden and look I grew something!!!!

Anna Fay and her great Mimi

Monday, April 6, 2015


The best thing ever as a mom is to hear my kids pray, or to have them ask to pray. Sitting here eating my breakfast and I can hear Logan helping anna say a prayer over their tea party. Sweetest thing ever!!!!