Monday, September 16, 2013

Scout Out

 Corey has always wanted to go hunting so this year he is taking him self out to hunt. He has been doing lot of research to see where you can hunt and where is good for hunting. and after looking and looking he found some places he wanted to check out. So being the good man that he is he took the boys with him for a scouting camp out. The boys where thrilled! A boys weekend! The helped me pack and getting every thing ready, helped load the truck and helped set up camp.
 Logan said the best part was getting a flat tire. Poor Corey almost out to where he wanted to the middle of no where he gets a flat. Luckily he had a jack and spare tire. The boys thought he was so cool to have an extra tire under the car. Some Elk hunters stopped an helped him so it didn't take to long be for they where back on the road.
 Helping set up camp and get dinner ready


 All ready for bed. Corey said they didn't stay like this they moved and wiggled all night long

 Eating Eggs the boys favorite. right after this picture bees came out from under the table and would not go away. the boys gave up eating and Corey  barely got every thing down and in the truck be for they got to mad.

 Fishing the boys love it and they are so luck to have a Dad that is happy to take them out and teach them and help them even though he never gets to fish or catch anything.

 Lots of walking and looking. Corey is such an amazing Dad he loves his kids and wants to share every thing with them even if it makes his trip a little longer and harder. He's happy becusaus their happy! I just love him and how blessed I am to have such a amazing husband and father!!!

 The boys scouting for deer for Daddy to come back and hunt in a few weeks. they thought they where big hunters and loved every min of hiking and looking for good deer hide outs.

 Playing on the play ground and stopping to have some ice cream on the way home

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