Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I know its a few days late but we've been so sick and I just wanted to say how grateful I am for all the things we have. This year I am most grateful for Corey's job and that it's here so he is at home with us and not living far away! That Corey is so willing to work so I can be at home with our kids for the amazing man and father he is I love you baby!!! So grateful for my kids each one of them and how wonderful they are I know i never say it enough that I love them and I'm sure they hear way to much of what they've done wrong but I am so happy to have such wonderful little spirits in our home. I'm grateful for all our family and friends for there love and support, for the church in our life and home,for this day to stop and think of all we have and how lucky we are and the up coming month of fun things getting ready to celebrate our Lords birth!!!!

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