Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Book Worm

Logan LOVES reading he almost always has a book with him and if your sitting down your reading him a book or holding him while he reads it to you. He can "read" about 3 books to me or Daddy or him self not reading just memorized them. His Favorites are Duck and Goose books he knows all the pages to the ones he has. He loves Goose the most and has a little goose that he takes places with him. Reading with Daddy is a new favorite thing but Daddy has a hard time not going from the front to back like your supposed to Logan like to read it once that way then what ever page he feels like or backwards or upside down. I love how much he loves books and hope that he doesn't' lose that. Thea and Donovan like to read too just not as much as my monster. Right now I see them reading the scriptures all the time. I love it and Logan reads it to a lot. I love seeing them read the Lords words and look at the art while telling each other about the story that go's with it!!!

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