Monday, January 17, 2011

Am I crazy???

I don't know I might be..... Last week we started homeschooling. And every day I some how find something more to add to our school time. But it is going well Thea is responding and doing so good at all her work. Donovan is really liking his preschool home school too and is do great.Logan runs all over the place and dose his best to distract me and the kids. Tomorrow I'm going to try putting him in his high chair and giving him some new cheep toys to play with till nap time we'll see how that gos, but keeping my finders crossed that is works great. At school we are doing lots of gospel things as well as math hand writing and all the other normal school things. I really do like teaching my kids at home! I never thought of my self as a home school mom or family, but I'm loving it! This year we are doing a program though WA State and so its sort of a public school but I think next year we may move away from that and do a more traditional home school. I don't know we'll see how it gos.

Any way we are all doing well the biggest change is home school, And that Corey may have a job here in Lacey and be moving home with us. YAY!!!!!! I loved try cites but know that the Lord directest us and moves us where we need to be. The kids and I are so looking forward to having Corey home with us again!!!

1 comment:

Leahona said...

I can't tell you how happy it makes me to hear your kids are loving home schooling! Keep it up mama!