Friday, January 9, 2009

Baby Belly

Amber about 6 months peg. Not much to see yet, I feel like I was a lot bigger at this point with both the other kids, but I guess it's nice that I don't feel so huge yet, but I'm sure it will come. I am really enjoying this peg. like i did with Donovan's. This baby moves almost all the time and i love it I love to feel him/her move and to know that he/she is all right in there. Corey said he always knows when the baby is moving because i have this little smile for just a second. Both Thea and Corey have felt the baby move I think Donovan did too but just thought I poked him. Thea loves to talk to the baby and tell it that she is the big sister, Donovan says Hi too because it's waht sister is doing.

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