Friday, August 14, 2009

3 months old

OK, OK I know I'm way behind with this but better late then never, right?
Logan is so big and doing so well He is getting his first tooth in, crazy,
He loves to smile, with this big open mouth grin,
and laugh at me and some time at daddy or his siblings
but mostly hes my boy
(hes learning to like daddy and his grandpas).
Hes really good at the baby cooing and its just to cute.
He loves loves his hands, he likes to eat them look
at them and use them to play with his hair.
I have so many pic of my baby's sleeping, there just so stinking cute.
Logan Love his tummy better than laying on his
back today he was half way to rolling over
So Logan is quickly becoming a monster baby. but i love how Roley Polly he's getting

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