Saturday, November 30, 2013

Girls on the Run!!

Thea has been doing Girls on the Run. This is a program that helps the girls train for a 5k and have lessons about different charter traits that are good to have. Thea has loved it and is so it is over. Last weekend she did her 5K. Corey ran with her. They had so much fun and did great. Corey ran Theas pace her time was 52:11!

 Pink hair getting ready to run
 Thea and one of the girls on her team
 Waiting for the race to start with some hot cocoa

 Anna having some cocoa and not loving being the baby pack and being so cold

 Thea's Team
at the start just about time to run
 Seeing Santa while waiting for Thea and Daddy

 Run THEA RUN!!!
 Right after the race they did great and had so much fun!!
 Thea and her coaches
 Showing Santa her Medal

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