Saturday, November 30, 2013

Girls on the Run!!

Thea has been doing Girls on the Run. This is a program that helps the girls train for a 5k and have lessons about different charter traits that are good to have. Thea has loved it and is so it is over. Last weekend she did her 5K. Corey ran with her. They had so much fun and did great. Corey ran Theas pace her time was 52:11!

 Pink hair getting ready to run
 Thea and one of the girls on her team
 Waiting for the race to start with some hot cocoa

 Anna having some cocoa and not loving being the baby pack and being so cold

 Thea's Team
at the start just about time to run
 Seeing Santa while waiting for Thea and Daddy

 Run THEA RUN!!!
 Right after the race they did great and had so much fun!!
 Thea and her coaches
 Showing Santa her Medal

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Race day

Thea is off running her 5k!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Super student

Donovan got this super star student award for having his homework always done and turned in on time every week so far this year! He is very proud of him self just as we are!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

30 days of Thanks

For the last few years I have done 30 of Thankfulness on Facebook. And this year I thought I would share them on the blog for my family to see and for me to be able to come back and look at, so about one a week I will add what I have been thankful for each day.

Things I am Grateful for
  • living in a time with such amazing technology that lets me keep in touch with all my family and friends no matter the detents
  • Saturdays that my wonderful husband has them off to spend time together and with our kids
  • Baby's that sleep in for an extra hour
  • General conference talks so when I am home from church with sick babys that I can still be spiritually feed lifted and I hear from our prophet
  • having a warm house. As much as I loved our wood stove and having a warm fire and the smell of a good wood fire. I am so glad that we have a heater and don't have to cut, hall or start a fire each day to be warm
  • For the amazing friends I have made this last year. Wonderful women who get my crazy and make me laugh till it hurts are there when I need to cry or need a shoulder! Trisha McGary Liz Steiner and Jezi George my girls are all amazing
  • For Corey's job, that he works so hard and so many hours to support our family. I am so very blessed that he is willing and able to work so that I can have the gift of staying home with our 4 crazy kid!