Saturday, September 28, 2013

Happy Birthday Donovan!!!!

My little old man tuned 6 yesterday! Happy Birthday!!! Donovan is a little old man sometimes but others a really little boy 😊 he is loving school and doing sooo well! He has become my beat cleaner and most often dose his chores with out complaining, he is a good big brother and peace keeper with his little brother and sister, he also is getting very good at being a little brother and knows just how to bug and help Thea I won't say witch one it is most often. He loves to play on the Xbox 360 and know how to work it better then I do most the time. He also loves to play guns and fighting anything can be a gun books pillows ita doesn't have to look like a gun to be turned in to one 😊..... boys. We spent his birthday doing lots of thing we started the day having his birthday breakfast of protein shakes and cinnamon toast, his choice, and then he got to open his gifts. ( I think its so fun to give them first thing in the morning so you have all day to use them, and the kids love it) Corey and I gave him a new bike and the kids gave him new Skylanders, ita a game he like to play, then off to school with treat for his class. After school I told him we could go anywhere he wanted for lunch but he just wanted lunchables again easy so we ran to the store grab lunch and stuff for dinner. Then home for an after noon of playing his new Xbox games, for free with out earning time he was in heaven! For dinner the missionarys came over Donovan always has them over for his birthday he asks every year, live that! Anyway again his choice was easy nachos, and a square cake. Love how easy going this boy is! Today is his party so be ready for picture over load soon! So a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my mans!!!!!

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