Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Fresh Veggies Here We Come!

Drilling holes in the bottom of all the buckets so the water could drain I think Corey got to do maybe one with out help. Thea and Donovan loved using the drill

Thea was able to to a few buckets by herself!

So I don't' know why these pic wont go the right way but.... this is the kids adding rocks to every bucket to help with water draining

Thea planting sunflower seeds

Logan love walking up and down the deck up and down up and down.
He is so cute!

I used tomato plants that had already be started, every body told me that they have a really hard time starting tomato's from seeds.
Logan did want to help plant the plants the seeds he wanted to eat not plant.

Fun's over all my help left .

Oh wait..... whats mama doing lets go help her again

Logan trying to eat pepper seeds

Again with the sideways.......... all of our plant in there buckets 14 buckets in all.
we have pumpkins orange and white, sunflowers, watermelon that Thea had to have so I thought we'd give it a try, pepper, carrots, lettuce, zucchini, onions, tomato's, purple corn
and we'll plant the pee in a few weeks.
We're all looking froward to watching every thing grow and having our own veggies!

This is a cute smile even if it is side ways.


Ruth said...

What a fun family project! Good luck! Your kids are so cute, too! Jared and I can't wait to have our own yard so we can garden someday.

Mike and Traci said...

Man, I'm jealous that you are planting things! You are awesome. I can't wait to do that one day as well! I also wanted to thank you for all of your sweet comments! You really are the most thoughtful person! It looks like you guys are doing well! You are such a good mother, always doing fun activities with them and teaching them such great things!

Corey & Amber said...

Thanks Guys!