Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sunny Spring Days

What a messy face cutie.

Playing in Grandma and PomPa's bake yard I'm so glad
that they don't mind the kids playing in the yard
and digging in the mud and dirt. It been great to get out in
the sun and just let the kids run wild.
Thank You Mom and Dad We love you so much !

The kids love to play on Thomas Go-kart

What a smile little man!

Funny Faces

Thea looking so grown up

Thea was "planting seeds" for PomPa I hope he like the raisin plants
Because she planted a lot in the mud.

What a boy as soon as he found the mud Thea made he was
all over that. Eating it butting it on his belly and just playing in it ya he's all boy.

Eating mud covered raisins
he would dip the raisins in the mud and eat them like chips and dip

mud + kids= fun
Logan loves to play with boxes like any baby but he moves his all over and loves to climb on top of them he just keeps trying 'till he can do it

Donovan Loves to try and ride Thea's bike he can't pedal yet but he's trying and loves to have some on push him.

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