Monday, August 3, 2009

Beach Fun

Donovan flying a kite he loved it, when it fell he let go of the string and tried to send the kite up witch he did if I got to the string fast enough .

Me Corey and the kids skipped church and went out the the beach last Sunday. We had a great time very laid back. but We did pay for skipping church. both Corey and I got burned mostly me bright red and blusters. but over all lots of fun.

Donovan flying a kite Kayla waiting her turn
I don't know what she did to get so sandy
So all we (we being the adults) did was read all day it was great well and Corey napped too.

Donovan thought the wave was great Thea was not so sure

Me and Ella taking the kids to the water
Making a sand castle
Look at my little red head
Logan was really happy all day he love sleeping on Daddy

We gave Donovan some cookies and he would use them as shovels then eat them...Yum Yum

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