Friday, August 28, 2009

Rolly Polly Monster

Logan started rolling over. I missed the very first one Corey let me sleep in so he got to be the first one to see Logan roll over. So no more butting him on blanket and come back to him still there Now he's off under the chair or some thing but he is so happy and laughing so what can you do. He still having a hard time getting one of his arms out from under himself but he'll have it in no time.

Logans Hands and Toes

Logan love to put his hands and now he's been trying to eat
his toes to its so funny to watch him try to get his
both hands and one foot in his mouth.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Three Little Beans

my cute little ones I love this one (above) This is how Thea smiles when you tell her smile pretty Logan with his hand in his mouth like always and Donovan trying to get down and take the pic instead of being in it oh well there cute anyway
at least every body's eyes are open
Logan didn't like Thea and Donovan saying CHEESE so loud!!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Our LIttle Odd Ball

Donovan had been carrying around one of Logan's diapers (a clean one) for a while then when we looked at him on the computer he had it on his head. We just cracked up, he just turned around and smiled at us like every body should have a diaper on there head whats wrong with you? He's just to funny some times.


Bike Trip

Corey his Dad Allan and Friend Ben went on a bike trip last weekend to a bike rally in Fork. They had a good time even though not many people showed up to the rally but there was a lot of Twilight people, Corey said every time they went by the Welcome to Forks sign there was some group of girls there get there pic with the sign so they just had to do it to, to make fun of all the twilight crazed girls.

The bikes Allan's, Corey's, and Ben's
Allan riding
Corey and Ben taking a break

There was tons of road work going on, on the way up having to wait for the OK to go again so the Corey and Ben got off and walked around for a bit

Friday, August 21, 2009


I'M A BIG BOY NOW!!! Donovan is using the potty now about half the time but we're so happy and hes doing it more every day. Two down one to go.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My Super Girl

Thea found this mask from on of her stuffed animals and the dress up out fit and wanted to me a super hero. She said super hero's need gloves and asked if I could help her put on daddy's gloves. Off to save the world!

Friday, August 14, 2009

3 months old

OK, OK I know I'm way behind with this but better late then never, right?
Logan is so big and doing so well He is getting his first tooth in, crazy,
He loves to smile, with this big open mouth grin,
and laugh at me and some time at daddy or his siblings
but mostly hes my boy
(hes learning to like daddy and his grandpas).
Hes really good at the baby cooing and its just to cute.
He loves loves his hands, he likes to eat them look
at them and use them to play with his hair.
I have so many pic of my baby's sleeping, there just so stinking cute.
Logan Love his tummy better than laying on his
back today he was half way to rolling over
So Logan is quickly becoming a monster baby. but i love how Roley Polly he's getting

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Have you heard of the Princess and the Pea

So the last few days when I've gone in to check on the kids before
I go to bed Thea has been sleeping in the
oddest places. One night i found her with her head in the bird
laundry basket. (above) then another night she
made little bed for her self out different things. She's just so funny!

see the cute quilt i made her

Monday, August 3, 2009

Beach Fun

Donovan flying a kite he loved it, when it fell he let go of the string and tried to send the kite up witch he did if I got to the string fast enough .

Me Corey and the kids skipped church and went out the the beach last Sunday. We had a great time very laid back. but We did pay for skipping church. both Corey and I got burned mostly me bright red and blusters. but over all lots of fun.

Donovan flying a kite Kayla waiting her turn
I don't know what she did to get so sandy
So all we (we being the adults) did was read all day it was great well and Corey napped too.

Donovan thought the wave was great Thea was not so sure

Me and Ella taking the kids to the water
Making a sand castle
Look at my little red head
Logan was really happy all day he love sleeping on Daddy

We gave Donovan some cookies and he would use them as shovels then eat them...Yum Yum