Thursday, April 16, 2009


Camping for Spring Break with Kelly and her kids was fun I was hoping all the walking up and down the hills would help baby come but seeing as it's been a week since we got back and still no baby it didn't help oh well. The kids had so much fun we were close to the play ground so the could go up there with out me or Kelly of course Donovan couldn't so he was a but mad every time the big kids left his fave thing to do was to play drive the car he did that alot so the moms could relax and get some reading done. over all it was really fun. Above is Donovan wanting to be a bigger boy and climbing up the ladder he got all the way up the slipped a little so i got him down and showed the other toys.

Kelly taking all the big kids out fishing on the lake

roasting hot dogs on the fire(dinner both nights we did it really laid back)

Thea and Ian waiting to go out to the lake

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