Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sick Sick Sick Thea

So Thea has been really sick. Saturday she looked sick and had a slight fever then Sunday she looked worse and had a fever of 102 but by Monday morning she was worse and had a fever of 103 I took her in to the Dr. and she said that what she has is going around and her fever would last for 3 or 4 more days. Monday night Thea's fever went up to 104.7 I guesses looking back a few days latter I should have taken her to the ER or something Thomas said when he's out on a call (fire fighting) that a fever that high they call the ambulance and take the person to the ER fast. but dad came over and he and Corey gave her a blessing and Tuesday She was fine a cough but her self I tyred to get her to rest so she would not relapse so bad but no luck. To day she is all Glass eyed and has a low fever and that cough, but she doesn't want to do any thing a is crying about every thing. I hope she gets better soon and Donovan doesn't get it . It looks like Corey is sick but I don't know if its the same thing. I hope not He's not that good at being sick. I hope all of you are well and stay that way.

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