Tuesday, November 27, 2012


For  Thanksgiving my Mom, Dad, Thomas and Jessie came over to Pasco with us. It was fun and crazy!!! We loved it. Cooking Thanksgiving Dinner for the first time was a little more then I thought it would be but it came out wonderful.(not sure if I want to do it again) The kids love playing with Pompa and play Wii with Thomas. Thomas playing his guitar Logan using his gun to play to just like Uncle Thomas
 Thomas and Donovan playing Wii Thomas was losing to Donovan, Got to love his face
 Aunt Jessie with Anna
 Logan Loves to help cook so Thanksgiving was his day he made all the rolls and they where all kinds of sizes and shapes but good and he was so proud of them.
 Climbing all over Pompa. This is how the kids spent most of there time climbing all over Pompa and begging for rides. And Dad is such a good Pompa he played and played with them.
 The yummy yummy smoked roast that Corey made!!!
 Thea wanted to help cook so she made a chocolate pie it was really good. Also her cute new glasses!!

Anna Cuteness

Thea and Anna Fay my two sweet Girls!!!
 Just some cute pics of Anna and Great Grandma and Grandpa George

 We loved having Grandma and Grandpa George here it was so fun to see them and watch them with my kids. I just think it is amazing that my kids get to know there Great Grandparents, I don't think every one get the chance. Logan asks all the time when they are coming back to see him. I wish I had taken more photos.

 Anna Sleeping after jumping and jumping  she loves to jump and will jump until she just passes out...So cute
 Anna's first bit of rice cereal she loved it. She love to eat anything you will give her
Just after she started crawling she started up the stairs silly baby