Saturday, September 15, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday Donovan!!!

 Happy Birthday Mans!!!!
This year Donovan wanted a BBQ and Spider Birthday. Luckily his birthday is in September so we found some early Halloween things with spiders on them to but around the house and use as the spider in the web game(pin the tail on the donkey) and I made him a really cool spider cake
 My Sister in-law Jill had signed up to have the missionaries for dinner so they got to come to Donovan's party all the kids thought it was great
 Thea and her best friend and cousin Olivia
 Every one trying to get the most candy
 Happy Birthday Donovan we are so proud of you and the wonderful little man you are and are becoming! You are such a sweet kind spite and so loving I am so grateful to have you in our family!
Donovan is so helpful with Logan and Anna he love to play games on the wii and make you laugh. The boy never stops moving he is always doing something, I think the only time he is still is to read a book. He is so smart I think he will be reading be for to long He wishes he could go to school so much but has to wait a year. Donovan is in love with the color green he wants every thing to be green and will eat anything as long as it is green. He is going to be trouble he already love girls, in his church class he always sits in between the 2 girls in his class his teacher told me he insists on sitting with them. Funny little boy!!!
 All his gifts, He was very loved this year. This gun set is one of his favorite things he got along with the wii game from Daddy

 The Coolest Spider cake ever!!! I think it came out really good!
 Happy Birthday to you! Donovan didn't even wait one line in to the song be for blowing out the candles! He's been waiting and waiting all summer as lots of friends and family have party to have his but he always tryed to blow out their candles for them!
Put the spider in the web game the kids had fun but some of them we spun around way to much

Anna Fay Bowles Apirl 9, 2012

Sleeping Girl getting ready to go home in her super cute outfit.
Something about my having girls makes my blood presser go up and go up fast. After my Dr apt on Fri I was sent home on bed rest for the rest of the weekend. (I didn't really do much resting it was Easter weekend) Monday when I went back in for a stress test I was sent to the hospital and was induced with in an hour of getting there(I really thought they would send me home I was scheduled for the next day) after getting the pitocin Anna Fay was here an hour and a half later! She came really fast and it was very scary and intense for me. After a few hours my BP starting going down slowly and I was able to go home by Wed. Anna is named after Corey Grandma Ann and has my Grandmas middle name Fay. All the kids call her Baby Anna I don't know if she will ever be Anna to them she was new baby for months be for we had her so now she is Baby Anna.
Big Sister Thea holding Anna for the first time
Logan can not get enough of HIS Baby Anna. He loved her the second he held her. He is such a sweet big brother!!! When ever Anna starts crying Logan sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to her like he did to my belly she almost always calms down, she know her big brother voice and love him already. Can't find a picture of Donovan holding Anna at the Hospital but he is an amazing big Brother and SOOOO helpful. He loves to make her smile and laugh! Donovan and Anna have a special bond and I hope they will always be close.
Family of 6!!!
Little old man face
When the Dr handed me Anna she never said boy or girl I just snuggled the baby until she need to be bathed and looked at then I thought to ask Did I have a boy or girl? I was just so glad to be done and hold my sweet baby!
Mama holding her new baby girl for the first time

First Day of School 2012

 Thea's First Day of School was September 5th (late putting this up) She was so excited to go her cousin Olivia is in her class and she has a wonderful teacher! I so wish we were not moving so she could stay and have this year with a good teacher. But even though Corey said we could stay here for her to have a good teacher, he is such a good Daddy, our family living apart for almost a year is not what we want or would be good for our sweet kids. We're praying for another teacher who loves what they do and is excited to help Thea learn.

Her first day was great she loves 2nd grade even if the recess is shorter then 1st grade. She is doing so well and after having summer school and a wonderful friend tutored her her reading is just about where it should be she is way ahead in math.

I wish i would have taken pictures every day last year of the outfits she put together. Some how over the summer she has developed a cute fun little style of her own not the where what ever I'm liking that day. Like the day she tried to where jean with a long black skirt over it and a long shirt with a pink cape.

We love you Thea and hope and pray that you enjoy school and learn as much as you can!!!
 Her new backpack to match her owl lunch pail she loves it Thanks Grandma George for the backpack and Grandma Bowles for the new school clothes!!!